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Coral Reef

Jimi Thaiday was born in Cairns and grew up on Erub (Darnley Island) in the Eastern Torres Strait. My Tribe is Peiudu, one of the four tribes of Erub.

The inspiration for my art is from my indigenous heritage, livelihood and the environment in which I live and grew up.

My cultural traditions and knowledge that has been taught and passed on through generations has also influenced my practice.

Titled Bonau in Eastern Island Torres Strait language (Meriam Mir) for coral, this strikingly beautiful Headsox design by Torres Strait Islander artist Jimi Thaiday has been inspired by the coastal reefs of Torres Strait, their colours and patterns.

10% of the purchase price of this Headsox design goes directly to the Artist.

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Regular price $24.95 AUD

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